Diamond Donates 10,000 Face Shields to UR Medicine Home Care

DiamondGuard™ Face Shields
Monroe County Legislature President Dr. Joe Carbone (Irondequoit) and County Legislator Karla F. Boyce (Henrietta, Mendon, Pittsford & Rush) joined Karla Fichter, CEO, and David Rydell, President, of Diamond Packaging, to donate 10,000 face shield masks to UR Medicine Home Care in Webster, NY. The face shields were designed, manufactured, and donated by Diamond Packaging.
“These masks protect the eyes, so when our staff go into patients’ homes, they’re fully protected,” said Jane Shukitis, President and CEO of University of Rochester Medicine Home Care. “And they also wear a gown, they wear gloves, they wear covering on their feet, but this has been one of the products that has been really helpful.”
For more information read the press release.