Diamond Packaging 2024 Calendar Featured in Printing Impressions App Spotlight Series

Diamond Packaging 2024 Calendar
Diamond Packaging's 2024 "Suitable for Framing" corporate calendar is featured in this week's episode of Printing Impressions' App Spotlight series.
The stunning piece reproduces beautiful and evocative Impressionist masterpieces in a gilded gold frame enclosing works of art from Vincent van Gogh, Édouard Manet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Henri-Edmond Cross – perfect for a stylish home or office setting. The dimensional picture frame features side closures with locking tabs, allowing the recipient to change the artwork at any time.
The calendars were converted utilizing Clearwater ReMagine™ 30% PCW paperboard, cold foiled, and offset printed with four color process inks, supplied by Ink Systems, in-line with UV matte, UV gloss, and DiamondTexture specialty coatings.
Printing Impressions' App Spotlight series highlights interesting and engaging examples of visual communication.
"Diamond always produces a calendar that is beautifully designed and executed, and this year is no different," said Ashley Roberts, Managing Editor of the PRINTING United Alliance. "This year aims to have recipients imagine that they are in a museum. At the top of the piece is a 3D picture frame that opens up to reveal four pieces of artwork, allowing the recipient to change out the art based on their mood. Whether you feel like looking at van Gogh, Cross, Manet, or maybe Renoir, the calendar offers the possibility of personalization to fit your preferences."