Apr. 23, 2024

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024


Earth Day 2024

Diamond Packaging celebrated Earth Day by partnering with the Seneca Park Zoo on Saturday, April 20, 2024 to help kids plant trees and seeds for butterfly gardens. It was also an opportunity for Diamond to share its message of sustainability with many of the guests.

It was a great event, with Diamond employees, friends, and relatives helping over 200 children plant trees as part of the TICCIT (“Trees into Cartons, Cartons into Trees”) program, an educational outreach program for school-aged children held every year to honor Earth Day and highlight the renewability and sustainability of paper and paperboard packaging.

Diamond also helped children plant wildflower seeds (selected to work as habitat for native monarch butterflies) in a specially-designed, paperboard folding carton to coincide with the Seneca Park Zoo’s Butterfly Beltway conservation project.

Now in its tenth year, Diamond's Earth Day partnership with the Zoo is an ideal way to educate and inspire visitors about conservation.

Learn more about Earth Day.

Earth Day 2024 (planting trees)
Earth Day 2024 (planting trees)
Earth Day 2024 (planting seeds)