Diamond Packaging Verifies its 2023 Carbon Footprint

Diamond's Verified 2023 Carbon Footprint
For the third straight year, Diamond Packaging independently verified its carbon footprint through SCS Global Services, an international leader in third-party environmental and sustainability certification.
A third-party verified carbon footprint guarantees that an organization’s measured greenhouse gas emission calculations are thorough and accurate. Carbon footprints help organizations identify opportunities to reduce the climate impacts of their operations and are also used to create baselines against which greenhouse gas reduction efforts can be benchmarked. Reporting verified carbon footprints to registries provides greater transparency and credibility to stakeholders of greenhouse gases emitted throughout our operations, as we contribute to the fight against climate change.
What Scopes and Data are Included in our Verification?
Diamond's Verified Carbon Footprint ensures that its data is reliable and meets the ISO 14064-3 standard as well as the World Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
The verification of our GHG emissions inventory covers both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (Scope 1 for our own operations and Scope 2 for our energy inputs). The emissions include CO2, CH4, and N2O, for three (3) facilities under operational control in Rochester, NY, along with warehouse equipment and company vehicles. Processes that were verified include the design and manufacturing of our folding cartons, as well as the printing on packages.
The sources of our greenhouse gas emissions were from natural gas, propane, diesel, and gasoline for Scope 1, whereas Scope 2 included electricity and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Our emissions totals were:
- Scope 1 = 593 tons of CO2e
- Scope 2 = 1,030 tons of CO2e (location-based)
- Scope 2 = 0 tons of CO2e (market-based)
The verification assessment and resulting verification opinion are based upon an evaluation of the GHG inventory data, GHG data management system, and the reporting and verification criteria. You can read more in our full verification statement.
Carbon Footprint Verification Process
The process of the third-party auditor includes gathering evidence and assessing materiality through independent crosschecks of data, calculations, emission factors, and/or calculation methodologies. Any further information is then collected and corrective actions are documented. If conformance against the standards are met, then a positive verification is given. A third-party verified carbon footprint indicates that the verification team did not find quantitative errors which exceeded +/-5% and the team did not find any material non-conformances with the inventory preparation requirements of the WRI GHG Protocol based upon the assessment conducted. Reporting verified carbon footprints to registries provides greater credibility for stakeholders.
About SCS Global Services
Since 1984, SCS has been a pioneer and leader in the field of sustainability standards and third-party certification, working across the economy in the natural resources, built environment, food and agriculture, consumer products and climate sectors. Partnering with companies, government agencies, NGOs, and stakeholders, SCS strives to advance sustainable development goals through independent assessment, the application of sound science, and innovative solutions. Through these services, they are enabling decision-makers and purchasers to make informed decisions, giving innovators a competitive edge, and helping to drive the development of leadership standards to create a framework for continuous improvement.
Learn more about Diamond's path to carbon neutral.