Zotos Hair Color
Packaging Challenges
Zotos continues to lead the charge to reduce long-term ecological impact within the professional hair care industry. The company recently asked Diamond Packaging, a leader in innovative and sustainable packaging solutions, to design and manufacture environmentally-friendly cartons for its line of hair color products.
Since making ecological sustainability a key goal, Zotos has prioritized the use of recyclable materials and post-consumer recycled (PCR) resins, with the end goal of reducing landfill volume. As part of this initiative, Zotos has taken steps to reduce its global footprint through the use of bio-degradable packaging, including folding cartons.
The packaging for Zotos hair color products, including Vero K-PAK® Color, Vero K-PAK® Chrome, Color Fix for Men, ISO i.color, and ISO i.luminate, needed to reflect the company’s emphasis on environmental solutions.
Packaging Solutions
To better understand the customer’s requirements, members of Diamond’s Green Team visited Zotos’ fulfillment center to review paperboard options and assess the compatibility with their existing filling equipment.
The cartons were converted from solid bleached sulfate (SBS) paperboard to .016 WCCN recycled board, resulting in saving 2725 pulp trees. The 100% recycled paperboard, containing an average of 35% post consumer waste (PCW), features a smooth printing surface, ideal for eye-catching graphic reproduction. The smooth texture of the aqueous-coated board also contributes to problem free operation on the filling lines.

The cartons were manufactured using 100% renewable wind energy. Based upon the total projected annualized output, the environmental benefit of using wind energy during production of the packaging is equal to offsetting approximately 68 metric tons of carbon dioxide, the impact of which is equivalent to planting 61 acres of trees or not driving 157,973 miles.

All cartons feature on-pack eco visuals, including a “Carton made with 100% wind energy” logo.
The result is a visually stunning new packaging series that demonstrates Zotos' commitment to the environment.

Packaging Award Winner
PPC - Eco Excellence Award
Personal Care