Michael Jordan Legend
Packaging Challenges
Michael Jordan represents the epitome of star quality — a superstar athlete and champion throughout his storied career. Five Star Fragrance teamed up with Diamond to deliver a legendary performance for its new Michael Jordan Legend Gift Set.
Packaging Solutions
Diamond design a gift set carton featuring metallized polyester board and intricate embossing accents that combine to create a strikingly singular and legendary presentation.

The carton was offset printed with transparent gold, dense black, and opaque white inks, in-line with UV matte and UV high gloss coating.
The UV matte spot coating on the lid and base provides a striking contrast to the high gloss gold accents (logos, ribbed pattern) surrounding it.
The multi-level embossed pebbled surface of the basketball (on the lid) reinforces the Michael Jordan brand.
Diamond utilized its QuikSet™ hybrid design for the project. QuikSet™ provides an attractive and economical alternative to rigid set-up boxes, featuring direct application of graphics and stamping or embossing, flat shipping and storage, and easy set-up.
The result is a gift set package that delivers impact in the retail environment, with the look and feel of a rigid set-up box, in a fraction of the time and at less cost.

Packaging Award Winner
PPC – Excellence Award
Package Printing – Excellence Award (Third Place)
Folding Cartons - Offset
FSEA – Bronze Leaf Award
Creative Use of Foil/Embossing on a Folding Carton