Package Printing
State-of-the-Art Package Printing
Diamond Packaging's offset printing presses with flexographic coating units represent the state-of-the-art in package printing technology, providing an unprecedented combination of cost innovation and sustainability.
Printing Technologies
Diamond’s 10-color Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106 and 8-color XL 105 offset printing presses represent the state-of-the-art in package printing technology, providing an unprecedented combination of cost innovation and sustainability.
They feature the most advanced printing and decorative capabilities in the industry, including advanced color-control, specialty coatings, and cold foiling.

Optimal Print Quality
Optimal print quality and accurate color reproduction is ensured throughout the press run by employing various control systems such as spectrophotometry. This system extends beyond traditional densitometer readings by measuring the color’s hue as well as the ink film thickness on the sheet.
Printing Substrates
In addition, we have expertise in printing on many different substrates including:
- Paperboard (SBS, recycled, mixed sources)
- Foilboard (metallized polyester film on SBS)
- Transfer metallization board
- Microflute or Eclipse board
- Plastic (APET, RPET)

G7® Master Qualification
Diamond Packaging has achieved G7 Master Qualification by proving proficiency in G7 methodology through print and proofing production, demonstrating expertise in color space compliance within graphic communication environments.
Diamond joins a select group of print providers who have successfully completed training, examination, and qualification of their print production processes, validating their capabilities to the highest level of global industry standards and specifications.
G7® Master Qualification Benefits:
- Industry-leading set of best practices for achieving gray balance
- Driving force for achieving visual similarity across all print processes
- Enables printers to reproduce a similar visual appearance across all printing types and substrates
- Ensures color quality and repeatability

Limited Edition Packaging
Diamond produced Carol's Daughter limited edition packaging for Disney's The Little Mermaid.
It was converted utilizing .010 SBS paperboard laminated to E-flute corrugated fiberboard, and offset printed with four color process inks, in-line with aqueous gloss coating.